
I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science, currently working with Dr. Vaibhav Unhelkar. I received my M.S. degree in Bioengineering and my B.S. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Seoul National University, South Korea. Prior to joining Rice University, I worked as a research engineer at Coreline Soft - a medical AI startup - and the Agency for Defense Development - a national research institute - in South Korea.

My research centers on Human-Robot Collaboration, Human-Centered AI and Human Behavior Modeling. Specifically, I am interested in:

  • Modeling human behavior to develop more human-centric AI agents;
  • Leveraging human knowledge in machine learning to enable training with limited data; and
  • Complementing AI and human intelligence to enhance human-human and human-AI teamwork.

Selected Publications

Sangwon Seo and Vaibhav V. Unhelkar, “IDIL: Imitation Learning of Intent-Driven Expert Behavior”, AAMAS 2024

Sangwon Seo, “AI-Assisted Human Teamwork”, AAAI 2024 Doctoral Consortium

Sangwon Seo, Bing Han, and Vaibhav V. Unhelkar, “Automated Task-Time Interventions to Improve Teamwork using Imitation Learning”, AAMAS 2023

Sangwon Seo and Vaibhav V. Unhelkar, “Semi-Supervised Imitation Learning of Team Policies from Suboptimal Demonstrations”, IJCAI 2022

Sangwon Seo, Lauren R. Kennedy-Metz, Marco A. Zenati, Julie A. Shah, Roger D. Dias, and Vaibhav V. Unhelkar, “Towards an AI coach to infer team mental model alignment in healthcare”, CogSIMA 2021